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Someone Will Disciple Your Kids. Will It Be You?

Updated: Jul 9, 2021

Kids really are the future. A lot of people know this: If you can win the youth, you’ve won the culture.

Everyone interested in massive social change knows this. This is why so much of the current sexual and cultural revolution is aimed at children. This isn’t a new tactic. The Soviets, Nazis, and Maoists all did the same thing. Teach children to reject the bigotted tradition of their bourgeois parents and embrace the liberating ideology of the Party.

This is why we’re watching some public schools today (which, I’ll remind you, are a product of the West’s Christian heritage) transform before our eyes into a mechanism to enact social change. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are taking a back seat to privilege walks, anti-racist trainings, and gender unicorns.

In a surprising, but also not so surprising, show-of-the-cards, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir put out a new song titled A Message From the Gay Community (upon trying to link the video here, I can see that it has been made private). The video was disturbing, as the two lead singers smiled widely into the camera and addressed their tune to parents like me - Christian, conservative, and desiring that my children learn to observe all that Christ commanded. They sang these words, addressed to us:

You think we’re sinful. You fight against our rights.

You say we all lead lives you can’t respect.

But you’re just frightened.

You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked.

It’s funny. Just this once, you’re correct.

We'll convert your children

happens bit by bit,

quietly and subtlety and you will barely notice it...

Their promise was simple: If we can’t change your mind, it’s no problem. We’ll just capture the minds of your children.

Now, at the outset, this doesn’t seem like much of a threat. It is very unlikely that any of these men will ever meet my children, let alone have enough time with them to convince them about anything. But stop to consider that the sexual and gender revolution has the full weight and backing of America’s largest institutions behind them.

When the US Department of Education proudly displays rainbow colors during Pride month - when Disney begins introducing gay characters in shows targeted at children - heck, when Oreo puts out ads about transgenderism - we can begin to understand that the quiet, subtle, bit-by-bit numbing of our childrens’ minds toward things God calls sinful is happening. It has happened.

Now, let me make this disclaimer. Unfortunately, many Christians see someone being critical of the LGBT movement as being hateful toward them. It’s important to know that Christian love is not the same as absolute agreeableness. Christian love must be rooted in Christian conviction about what is true, righteous, and good.

So offering a firm answer to a sexual revolution that is directly, and self-admittedly, targeting our children isn’t being judgemental or unloving. The worst thing we could do is respond with a passive, agreeable spirit that has no answer for why we believe what we believe (1 Peter 3:15). One could hardly accuse Paul of being passive when it came to sexual issues like these:

Colossians 3:5-6 - Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming.

Honestly, I hope the men who sang and wrote this song get converted. The LGBT movement will end one way or another. How great would it be to watch the movement dissipate because of massive revival and salvation among its members?

Hear me: It’s possible to both want the sexual revolution stamped out by the mighty boot of salvation while at the same time addressing it with seriousness and sternness.

With that being said, I want to turn my attention to Christian parents. How will you meet this promise made to you by the San Fransico Gay Men's Choir? How will you answer the subtle attempts by the nation's largest institutions to indoctrinate your children to celebrate things God condemns?

Someone is going to disciple your children. It’s either going to be you or the world.

And know this: The world isn’t going to wait for you to decide. Satan isn’t going to wait around for you to finally begin reading the Bible to your kids before he starts laying on the pressure. You need to feel the weight of your responsibility to teach your children to honor God, love the truth, and live not by lies today. Otherwise, they’ll convert your children. It’ll happen bit by bit. Quietly and subtly and you’ll barely notice it.

Here are some good resources for you to begin using to disciple your family:

Family Worship: In the Bible, In History, and In Your Home

The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name

Being the Bad Guys: How to Live for Jesus in a World That Says You Shouldn't

Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents

Family Discipleship (Course)

The New City Catechism

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